Category: News

Web Presence

At this point we’ve got our site fully functional with 5 portfolio projects available for viewing. There’s still some work to be done of course, but I think it’s safe to say we’re up and running. Also, we’ve established our facebook page and twitter account. We are up to 41 likes on facebook and climbing.

Starting next week, I hope to go into phase 2 of marketing. We’ll be trying to grow our visibility on the website, facebook, and twitter. If I can pull some strings there might be some prizes involved! :-)

Thanks for all the support!! Look for more to come soon!!!

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New Site

We’re in the process of developing our new website. Here we will showcase our best work, present our company information for the curious, and with continuous updates we’ll provide news and information to keep everyone informed about our current projects, company events, and future plans. Please feel free to comment. We’d love to hear from our past clients, prospective clients, community friends, or anyone else who would like to give us their two cents!

In the upcoming week, I’ll be adding portfolio galleries, updates on our latest projects, and some other details about our firm. Please check back for more soon, Thanks!

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